Some situations you find yourself in might make it look to you as if God's Word for you isn't working out, it might even make you feel like _you've been scammed or deceived_ by some prophets or ministers. I am very sure that it was possible for Joseph to feel forgotten by God during his journey to the palace. At a point on the cross, JESUS also cried out loud and asked why He was forsaken by the the Lord. The great Prophet Elijah requested for death at a point when he felt overwhelmed by the opposition from King Ahab and her devilish wife; Jezebel. Abraham while expecting the promise at one point obeyed the wrong counsel of his wife by trying an alternative means thinking He was getting too old. The disciples also went back a fishing after the crucifixion of the master, they obviously felt that their hope was gone! You see beloved, what the situation presents is just a mirage, it is not true. The only TRUTH is that God's Word hanging over your life, though it looks pas...