COME OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE! Be wise, ask and ye shall receive!
A major challenge so many people face is difficulty in expressions of feelings or needs.
A lot have died in silence while many are still dying and suffering in silence. The very funny popular saying; “a closed mouth is a closed destiny” is a very true one. Lots of people have missed great and powerful opportunities due to inability to express their needs.
It’s not impossible that so many people have been scorned, disappointed and even embarrassed by friends or relatives while trying to express a need or making requests, and as a result, vowed never to open up to anyone again. Well, I believe strongly that living in the past is another dangerous decision that can keep one in perpetual darkness.
Your past experience is not a perfect indication of the future, living with the hurts of the past only makes you a slave of the past.
Your today and tomorrow can be much better that yesterday if you choose to behold the beautiful picture and close your mind against the voice of yesterday’s disappointment, shame and embarrassment.
Dearly beloved, there are many people who are willing to assist you if only you could express yourself. Answers to your prayers are wrapped up in the “gift of men”. Men are gifts God has prepared to answer our prayers and meet our needs. Favor is a product of connection with right persons. Nothing good happens without the involvement of men.
Dearly beloved, it’s not weakness to ask for help from people, it’s not weakness to express how you feel about issues and seek for great counsel. It’s not weakness to walk up to that friend and request for assistance of whatsoever form.
Things would have been better if you have rightly harnessed the gift of men around you.
What if the solution to your challenge is in the hands of that neighbor you despise? What if that seemingly wicked or unapproachable lecturer is willing to assist? What if Mum and Dad are willing to give you that cash if only you could be more humble and open? What if that quiet unsociable colleague has the right information concerning that application? Look beyond the past failures, launch out into the deep once again and you’ll have an exceedingly abundant catch!
I’m not telling you to be loose with your life, all I’m saying is that you need to be more open to receive help.
Come off your high horses for God resists the proud and gives Grace to the humble! It’s a great strength when you realise a need for assistance and you request for such. It’s great weakness when there’s a need and you feel no one is capable of meeting the need.
The strength of destiny helpers is not in the physical looks but in their unseen abilities and influence. So look beyond the physical
STOP throwing away golden opportunities, be sensitive enough to discern opportunities and be humble to receive assistance.
I pray that the Lord will open your eyes to see the treasures surrounding you and also give you wisdom to utilize those treasures that you may profit exceedingly through them.
I call you blessed
+ (234)8139285397 ||
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