As we prepare to Journey through 2019
One of the very great lessons I learnt in 2018 is this; " whenever God makes promises, He's more committed to fulfilling those promises than your openness or expectations to receive the promises".. He's very faithful, loyal and committed to His Word! Integrity is His nature!! TRUST ABSOLUTELY IN HIM for God is not a man that he should lie, neither is He a son of man that He should repent! His yea is yea and His nay is nay! The difficulty of the situation isn't what matters but the strength and integrity of God's Word! Yes I know the situation is impossible but Luke 1:37 says "With God, Nothing shall be impossible".. God's decree is stronger and far more potent than Man's perception or belief! That which you're planning to do, have you received God's Word concerning it? If yes, rejoice in the Word you received for FAITHFUL IS HE WHO HAS PROMISED! Though the heavens and earth fade away, none of God's Word will return...