
Showing posts from December, 2018

As we prepare to Journey through 2019

One of the very great lessons I learnt in 2018 is this; " whenever God makes promises, He's more committed to fulfilling those promises than your openness or expectations to receive the promises".. He's very faithful, loyal and committed to His Word! Integrity is His nature!! TRUST ABSOLUTELY IN HIM for God is not a man that he should lie, neither is He a son of man that He should repent! His yea is yea and His nay is nay!  The difficulty of the situation isn't what matters but the strength and integrity of God's Word! Yes I know the situation is impossible but Luke 1:37 says "With God, Nothing shall be impossible".. God's decree is stronger and far more potent than Man's perception or belief! That which you're planning to do, have you received God's Word concerning it? If yes, rejoice in the Word you received for FAITHFUL IS HE WHO HAS PROMISED! Though the heavens and earth fade away, none of God's Word will return...

When God Speaks (insight into the integrity of God's Word)

Many a times when God speaks, it looks too foolish and unbelievable for our natural mind. It even sounds so impossible because of our short sightedness. Sometimes, our sentimental emotional commitment to a course could blindfold our eyes from seeing into what God has said. God's word doesn't respect our emotional affiliations, traditional beliefs or religious doctrinal affiliations. God's Word is product of His intention and purpose. God's Word is an expression of His Almightiness and Supremacy. A lot of people get hurt or fall into serious problems because they have once upon a time despised the Word of God that came to them. Probably they felt it wasn't relevant to what they believed or enjoyed at the time the Word came forth, maybe they also felt that God's Word came forth to jeopardize their plans and enjoyable moments at the time. It seems so easy to despise God's Word because it doesn't come with force or compulsion, at times it comes from th...


Joy is a product of the revelation of God's plan for a man's life and all that pertains to him. Joy is a product of accurate understanding of God's intent and plan for a man. Joy is a product of REVELATION! JOY is an expression of faith in God and the integrity of His word. It's an expression of the Kingdom lifestyle. Joy is an expression of absolute confidence in what God has said to do even if there's not been a physical manifestation. I rejoice not because everything is going as I desire physically but because I have an ANCHOR who holds me tightly, I rejoice because I have a FATHER whose words and promises never fails, I have a FATHER who's ever FAITHFUL! THE COVENANT KEEPER. JOY is a currency we use to transact in the realm of the SPIRIT. With Joy comes prophetic utterance and accuracy, with JOY comes strength and audacity! JOY is an expression of the Kingdom, it's an expression of ZOE, it's an expression of GOD'S NATURE. JOY opens...