When God Speaks (insight into the integrity of God's Word)

Many a times when God speaks, it looks too foolish and unbelievable for our natural mind. It even sounds so impossible because of our short sightedness.
Sometimes, our sentimental emotional commitment to a course could blindfold our eyes from seeing into what God has said. God's word doesn't respect our emotional affiliations, traditional beliefs or religious doctrinal affiliations. God's Word is product of His intention and purpose. God's Word is an expression of His Almightiness and Supremacy.
A lot of people get hurt or fall into serious problems because they have once upon a time despised the Word of God that came to them. Probably they felt it wasn't relevant to what they believed or enjoyed at the time the Word came forth, maybe they also felt that God's Word came forth to jeopardize their plans and enjoyable moments at the time. It seems so easy to despise God's Word because it doesn't come with force or compulsion, at times it comes from the most unexpected believer and most unexpected moment.
Only the Spiritually discerning believer can understand how heavy God's Word is irrespective of how simple it was delivered.
The Simplicity of God's Word isn't feebleness or weakness. The simplicity of God's Word is powerful and has the ability to transform lives around within a second.
Brethren, the Word of God is coming out again unto you, reflect sincerely on the instructions, revelations and directions you've received sometimes ago concerning that particular aspect of your life. Do not despise any of God's Word irrespective of how faint it sounds; in it you receive abundance of life.

God's word has the ability to deliver the future into your hands and also deliver you from future tragedies! Yes!

God's word creates His intentions. Whenever God speaks, what he desires has already been created! 
It doesn't matter if it sounds so foolish to you now, honor and celebrate God's Word!
Abraham received an instruction to leave his father's home for a land that would be showed him, he believed despite all odds and enjoyed God's abundance. Noah received God's instructions to build an ark for protection against flood despite that there was never a raindrop before that time. For 120 years, he kept preaching and building the ark until God's Word finally came into fulfilment.
Great men and women of God experienced mighty manifestations of God's abilities because they held on to the "seemingly foolish" instructions of the Spirit.
Dearly beloved, do not be unwise, understand what the will of God is and follow it intimately!
Do not be ignorant, ignorant kills! Do not be insensitive, insensitivity destroys! Do not be disobedient, disobedience robs people of God's plan for their lives! Do not be proud, God resists the proud!
If you're faithful to obey, you'll experience glorious manifestations of God's abilities in your life.
God's Word delivers!
God's Word sets free!
God's Word directs!
God's Word enlightens!
God's Word strengthens!
God's Word equips!
God's Word liberates!
God's Word makes Wise!
God's Word transforms!
God's Word prospers!
God's Word heals!
God's Word works! Yes it works!
God's Word profits abundantly!
God's Word is not abstract, God's Word is real, tangible and active!
Celebrate God's Word for He is mighty to Save!
Glory to Jesus!


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