We are in a generation where what majority run after is importation and not illumination. This is a generation where relationships are more parasitic and independent rather than being mutually beneficial... What some people need is not Impartation but illumination. Some people have received so much impartation but no manifestation... All because there was no ENLIGHTENMENT, they couldn't channel the impartation to the right course. At a point in ministry, my eyes opened to this truth and I began to pay more attention to making men understand purpose... Knowledge itself is power. There's this power and freedom that comes from KNOWLEDGEK. Knowledge itself is power, WISDOM is a living being Jesus didn't start by imparting the disciples, He started by encouraging them to follow, then spent time opening their eyes to the mystery of the Kingdom and finally IMPARTED THEM. Elijah did not impart Elisha at first, HE ENCOURAGED HIM TO FOLLOW AND THEN IMPARTED HIM ...