
Showing posts from July, 2020


We are in a generation where what majority run after is importation and not illumination. This is a generation where relationships are more parasitic and independent rather than being mutually beneficial... What some people need is not Impartation but illumination. Some people have received so much impartation but no manifestation... All because there was no ENLIGHTENMENT, they couldn't channel the impartation to the right course. At a point in ministry, my eyes opened to this truth and I began to pay more attention to making men understand purpose... Knowledge itself is power.  There's this power and freedom that comes from KNOWLEDGEK. Knowledge itself is power, WISDOM is a living being Jesus didn't start by imparting the disciples, He started by encouraging them to follow, then spent time opening their eyes to the mystery of the Kingdom and finally IMPARTED THEM. Elijah did not impart Elisha at first, HE ENCOURAGED HIM TO FOLLOW AND THEN IMPARTED HIM ...


Staying in Egypt was only good for a season, it wasn't the promised Land. It had already become a land of suffering, however the people of Israel were emotionally attached to her for the cucumbers!! Staying in Egypt would continually be an action outside God's will, hence a NEED TO MOVE!!! SOMEONE READING THIS NEEDS TO MOVE!! Egypt had already fulfilled her purpose for the Israelites. It was no longer the land of blessings it used to be, it was becoming a land of torture and loss. Don't stay BEYOND the DUE TIME in that place! Discern the times and seasons, MOVE. The road to Canaan wasn't going to be smooth one but one thing was most needful; ABSOLUTE TRUST IN THE LORD through obedience to His instructions... They had the red sea to Cross, the wilderness to pass through, River Jordan to walk through and the Jericho wall to demolish amidst several other battles to fight... But as long as their TRUST IN THE LORD WAS ABSOLUTE, they would definitely inherit ...

Concerning Misinterpretation of Words, Actions and Intentions

Have you been misinterpreted before or have you misinterpreted someone before😀? I understand how painful both experiences could have been... I believe that misinterpretation of words, actions and intentions are mostly products of one-way perspectives and perceptions. You'll always misinterpret other's words, actions and intentions if you always see things in your own perspectives and perceive them in your own way... Below are recommended ways that'll definitely help you not to misinterpret words, actions and intentions... 1. Be fast to hear but slow to speak: Much words produce errors. You don't have to say something to everything and you don't have to say everything on your mind. Bridle your tongues and build your mind!  It is the quality of the wise and the prudent to critically analyse and study issues before giving responses. Patience and comportment are very important actions to put up before giving response to issues. 2. Purge your mind of hurts ...