Concerning Misinterpretation of Words, Actions and Intentions

Have you been misinterpreted before or have you misinterpreted someone before😀? I understand how painful both experiences could have been...

I believe that misinterpretation of words, actions and intentions are mostly products of one-way perspectives and perceptions. You'll always misinterpret other's words, actions and intentions if you always see things in your own perspectives and perceive them in your own way...

Below are recommended ways that'll definitely help you not to misinterpret words, actions and intentions...

1. Be fast to hear but slow to speak: Much words produce errors. You don't have to say something to everything and you don't have to say everything on your mind. Bridle your tongues and build your mind!  It is the quality of the wise and the prudent to critically analyse and study issues before giving responses. Patience and comportment are very important actions to put up before giving response to issues.

2. Purge your mind of hurts and bitterness past experiences: This is can be hard but not impossible. When you patiently and diligently build your mind with God's Word, you'll only learn from past experience BUT LIVE IN THE LIGHT OF GOD'S WORD! As long as you have hurts and bitterness in you, you'll keep on misinterpreting words, actions and intentions. The state of our hearts will definitely influence our perceptions and perspectives either positively or otherwise. Maintain a pure hearts, hearts void of bitterness, hurts and anger and you will always have accurate insight into people's words, actions and intentions.

3. Don't jump into conclusions, ASK QUESTIONS: Many people make the mistake of jumping into conclusions through assumptions and this most times stir up anger and hurts against others. To preserve the sanity of your mind, ask questions for clarifications (concerning any misunderstood words or actions) and ACCEPT whatsoever answer the fellow gives you. Even when you give sincere answers to some folks, they'll still believe there's something you're hiding, such folks are students in the school of bitterness and hurts. Wisely avoid anyone who doubts your integrity!!

4. Be Led by the Spirit of the Lord: The spiritual man DISCERNS ALL things... The Holy Spirit is the revealer of thoughts and intentions, trust him to give you Insights, trust him to help you, trust him to guide your heart towards accurate interpretation of words, actions and intentions. You can't live in error if you give the Holy Spirit ultimate and unlimited expression in your life. BE LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD...

I call you BLESSED
Samson Obaloluwa OJO


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