
Showing posts from April, 2020


I saw a vision; There were fire brands all over the places, however, the fire brands seemed to have lost their strength and their ability to consume chaffs and debris. All they gave was just a dim illumination though their presence were undeniably  everywhere. The fire brands burned gently as weeds continued to grow under them while the debris around them continued to increase as well. Probing further, I came to the understanding that these fire brands represents the Kingdom Generals whose Influence on their territories no longer has weight. Those whose presence has not cautioned the activ Iities of the enemy. They have a form of godliness (burning fire brands)  but yet deny the power thereof. The anchor word for this season is REALIGNMENT. Yet again, I was taken to a valley of war. A battle ground, I saw troops fighting in battalions and squads according to the captain's order. Those fighting in the right squad who were primarily waging the war according to the ...


Progress in the Spirit is not when a man holds the microphone always while stagnancy or set back in the Spirit is not when there's no mic to hold or offices to occupy... In fact, I have observed through experience and discoveries that many people who hold religious offices in the Body of Christ are actually out of alignment with the purpose of God for their lives.. It's wrong to think or believe that a man who's not active on the pulpit on being seen frequently on fliers is not spirit filled or is probably experiencing spiritual set back or stagnancy. The proof of your relevance in God is not a product of how frequent you minister on several platforms. Your relevance in God per time is a function of your alignment to His Will for your life and Ministry... A lot of people are on the pulpit but have missed the mark while a lot of "silent" people are making strategic exploits for the in their sphere of influence. Am I talking against active Minist...

Our King Reigns Forever

GLORY TO GOD AND BLESSINGS TO THE REDEEMED FOR OUR KING REIGNS FOREVER Blessed be our Lord Jesus Christ who through his crucifixion, death,  burial, resurrection and ascension authored for us an ETERNAL SALVATION... During this period and beyond, we consistently fix our gaze unto Him who not only AUTHORED OUR FAITH BUT ALSO PERFECTED it for the scripture says that He is the Author and the Finisher of our Faith. We have a solid assurance in the finished work for through it, we became citizens of Heaven, Joint Heirs with Christ and a rightful partaker of the Commonwealth of Israel... We therefore rejoice exceedingly because sin has no Dominion over us again for we have been transformed from the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of His Dear Son... We are heralds of light, we are salts of the earth and we're a city set on the Hill for we shall not be hidden! The Hill/Rock is Christ- The Rock of Ages!!!! Hallelujah to the risen King and blessings to the redeemed ...


A lot of great and heavily endowed ministers (especially the young folks) have fizzled out of relevance in God and His purposes because of rebellion in their hearts. The rebellious heart is the heart that reacts negatively at correction, the rebellious heart seeks to overthrow its father's kingdom, the rebellious heart gathers brethren and teaches them against the system God approved. The rebellious heart is always right  in its own eyes. The rebellious heart is unrepentant. Rebels are offspring of the devil itself. THE REBELLIOUS HEART SEEKS INDEPENDENCE AT ALL COST. We often complain that revival tarries in our generation, the reasons are not far fetched, one of the reasons is REBELLION. We have men who are more self-conscious than being God-conscious, men whose god is their ego. Men who worship earthly achievements and religious attainments. Men whose focus is on self. Men who seek and exalt impartation but reject brokenness of heart. Men who adore their own names...