I saw a vision; There were fire brands all over the places, however, the fire brands seemed to have lost their strength and their ability to consume chaffs and debris. All they gave was just a dim illumination though their presence were undeniably everywhere. The fire brands burned gently as weeds continued to grow under them while the debris around them continued to increase as well. Probing further, I came to the understanding that these fire brands represents the Kingdom Generals whose Influence on their territories no longer has weight. Those whose presence has not cautioned the activ Iities of the enemy. They have a form of godliness (burning fire brands) but yet deny the power thereof. The anchor word for this season is REALIGNMENT. Yet again, I was taken to a valley of war. A battle ground, I saw troops fighting in battalions and squads according to the captain's order. Those fighting in the right squad who were primarily waging the war according to the ...