I saw a vision;
There were fire brands all over the places, however, the fire brands seemed to have lost their strength and their ability to consume chaffs and debris. All they gave was just a dim illumination though their presence were undeniably  everywhere. The fire brands burned gently as weeds continued to grow under them while the debris around them continued to increase as well.

Probing further, I came to the understanding that these fire brands represents the Kingdom Generals whose Influence on their territories no longer has weight. Those whose presence has not cautioned the activ Iities of the enemy. They have a form of godliness (burning fire brands)  but yet deny the power thereof. The anchor word for this season is REALIGNMENT.

Yet again, I was taken to a valley of war. A battle ground, I saw troops fighting in battalions and squads according to the captain's order. Those fighting in the right squad who were primarily waging the war according to the dictates of their captain were overcoming. Yet I saw other individuals trying to fight alone or in pairs. They fought while struggling immensely. They fought in pains. Then I asked who these were and why they were in pairs/units.Then the Spirit told me that they were those who rejected the leading of their squad leader, took offense and decided to fight without order, they decided to be on their own while pretending to belong to their squad. They were struggling not because of lack of skill but because they were fighting outside the laid down principles that was to ensure victory; strict adherence to the captain's orders which are to be principally disseminated through the squad leaders.

In application, this vision explains the principle of Interdependence and not Independence, the principle of honoring the body above individual desire or will, the principle of laying down individual differences and fighting with a common interest, the principle of following the guidance of squad leaders who have been tested and have been approved as prophetic voices for the season.

We are a body, shall a member of the body tell others that he doesn't need them because he gets offended? If it does, it will struggle and soon wither away. God Honors His body above individual pain or gain. 

The Prophetic beckoning for this season is REALIGNMENT! A prophetic utterance is an inspired word or revelation from the bowels of the Spirit. It comes to edify, correct and instruct in righteousness. It comes to caution and also to bless. 

It is not God that will align you to himself, you're the one to align yourself to Him. Restoration is not about God drawing us nearer and doing great things for us. Restoration is about  receiving the Mercy God has already provided through Christ and thus enjoying abundance of His Grace because we're now conscious or more conscious of it. God has already drawn near to us through the indwelling presence of the Spirit, Emmanuel- God with us. We're the ones who should reach out to the Lord in reverence and repentance to reactivate the ministry of the Holy Spirit in us. This is true revival. 

True revival is when the Ministry of the Spirit in a believer is active and the flesh is put under subjection. The "Fire" dies or becomes dim the moment self is esteemed. 

Your level of prophetic accuracy is not a function of how short or long you pray, but a function of your INTIMACY, ALIGNMENT AND YIELDEDNESS TO THE MOVE OF THE SPIRIT IN YOU.

You can be prayerful yet rebellious... You can be prayerful yet religious... You can be prayerful yet carnal... You can be prayerful yet full of self


Beloved, this is a very sensitive time, you can't afford to be out of alignment. Take heed to the emphasis of the Spirit of the Lord.


Samson Obaloluwa


  1. Hmmm!
    Realignment; Yieldedness; Men of Spirit-filled wisdom.

    Thanks for this prophetic message.

    1. You're welcome sir/ma... You can kindly help rebroadcast this


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