A lot of great and heavily endowed ministers (especially the young folks) have fizzled out of relevance in God and His purposes because of rebellion in their hearts.
The rebellious heart is the heart that reacts negatively at correction, the rebellious heart seeks to overthrow its father's kingdom, the rebellious heart gathers brethren and teaches them against the system God approved. The rebellious heart is always right in its own eyes. The rebellious heart is unrepentant. Rebels are offspring of the devil itself. THE REBELLIOUS HEART SEEKS INDEPENDENCE AT ALL COST.
We often complain that revival tarries in our generation, the reasons are not far fetched, one of the reasons is REBELLION. We have men who are more self-conscious than being God-conscious, men whose god is their ego. Men who worship earthly achievements and religious attainments. Men whose focus is on self. Men who seek and exalt impartation but reject brokenness of heart. Men who adore their own names and are fully alive to self.
What killed Judas was not the betrayal of Jesus Christ but the REBELLION of His Heart. After all, Peter also denied Christ, he led other disciples to go fishing but deep within Peter had a heart of repentance, a heart gentle and sincere, such heart the Lord shall never despise...
Many Generals are falling because their hearts disobedient and are not in alignment with the will of the Grand Officer Commanding- The Holy Spirit. Many will yet enter painful errors because they're led by emotions, experiences and logic rather than the Spirit of the Lord who gives Wisdom unfathomable. Many have woefully failed the lesson of Obedience. What many call conviction of the spirit is actually the will of the flesh.
This season isn't the season to make sensitive destiny decisions but the season to reflect heavily on our walk with the Lord and reorder our steps wherever we might have gone astray. In these last days, your Spiritual talents or giftings shall not be able to enroll you into God's Hall of Fame, only your contrite heart and yielded spirit shall Grant you access.
Everywhere is on lockdown because a whole lot of things need to be reordered and realigned. After the lockdown comes a mighty move of God, only those with a humble heart and a contrite SPIRIT shall be part of the pioneers of this great move...
After this solemn period, the podium, the microphone and the audience shall be taken away from many because they fail to yield to the beckons of the Spirit. However, some will still hold the Microphone but their voices shall no longer be heard. Some will even be forcefully retired and the influence gained overtime taken away from them because they've become a system standing against the intelligence of God's Spirit. The wheats are currently being separated from the tares! There is FIRE currently trying and testing all works...
Come to the altar of repentance and realignment, surrender yourself to the surgery of the Spirit, prepare to DIE to the flesh that the LIFE OF CHRIST may find expression in and through you! This is the dispensation of the Spirit of the Lord and He must be given preeminence and dominion....
#Check your heart!
#Stop proving points that don't and will never exist!
#Stop the rebellion and disobedience!!
Samson Obaloluwa OJO
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